Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mike's Ride for Make-A-Wish

Hi there!

If you have just stumbled across this blog, then let me welcome you.  This site tells of an adventure I took June 1-30 of 2011, when I rode 2752 miles in 28 days to raise funds to allow Make-A-Wish Foundation of Nebraska to grant wishes for four children with life threatening medical conditions. At the time of this post, my total is $28,235!  Lots of generous people!  There is no time limit on donations being made to Make-A-Wish on behalf of "Mike's Bike Ride". 
If you enjoy cycling, I think you'll enjoy my blog about this incredible journey.  The posts below are from my daily updates when I did the ride in June.  You'll have to go to the archives to read all of them.  I also have several pages you can explore.  I urge you to check out my Home - story behind the ride page.  I have also included a page on the children for which I did the ride as well as information on the counties, towns and route I took in reaching all 93 county seats of the state of Nebraska.

In one of the side bar links you can see all the countries from which people have viewed this blog.  As of this post the number stands at 46 countries on 6 continents.  Pretty amazing! There is also a page of what I call "Spin Home Wisdom" stories which I wrote.  I have several more to write, but I offer these to you for your enjoyment. 

Thank you for stopping by.  Enjoy your time here and pass this link on to someone you know.

Mike Reiners
Grand Island, NE, USA


Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011

My final report from my Ride for Make-A-Wish Foundation of Nebraska

I'd like to enter one last update. If you know me, then you know I'm kindof a statistic nerd.  So, I wanted to keep track of certain things which I would now like to share with you.

Time/distance/speed stats:

191 hours and 42 minutes - total riding time in 28 days
6 hours and 51 minutes - riding time each day
2752 total miles (just a shade under 100 miles per day - I didn't get 3000 miles, but I'm ok with that.)
14.4 mph average for entire ride

As a total aside, I typically ride at 80 revs per minute.  So, let's use an overall average of 60 revs per minute to allow for time spent coasting (no revs).  A total of 11502 minutes of riding time X 60 revs per minute means I did about 690,120 revs for the entire trip!  Almost 700,000 turns of the pedals!  All I can say is that knees are amazing things.  Mine did not get sore or stiff at any point during the ride.  Wow!

Body stats:
I was very curious what effects this ride would have on my body.  So, we took measurements before and afterward.  Here are the results.

                        BEFORE        AFTER
Weight             191 lbs           182 lbs
% body fat        25.3%            19.8%

diameter of:
calf                    16 in              16 in      (hmm...)
thigh                  25.5 in           24.5 in   (nice definition!)
butt                    42 in              41 in      (pants sure fit better)
waist                  36 in              35.5 in   (a slight improvement)
stomach             38.5 in           35.5 in   (belt not working nearly as hard now!)
chest                  39.75 in         40.5 in   (wow!  One DOES use arms when cycling)

Map stats:
Since 1991, I have kept track of all the roads I've ridden on in Nebraska.  Here is a picture of my map on the wall in our resource room.  LOTS of memories connected to it!  New roads are pretty hard to come by without going on a long drive to some other part of the state.  This ride filled in another 1200 miles of roads on my map.  I still have MANY more miles to go...  Anyway, I wanted to share a picture of it with you. 

All the roads I've cycled on since 1991.  I added about 1200 miles of new roads through this ride for MAW.  (-:)

$ raised for Make-A-Wish Foundation of Nebraska stats:
The amount currently showing on my total raised is $24,810.  I know of another $1,200 or so in the mail, bringing the total to just over $26,000.  So, I'm raising money to partially fund the wish of my fourth child, Damon. 

There is no time limit to when donations can be made.  If you come across this site and are moved to give to help MAW make the wish of these children with life-threatening medical conditions come true, I would be deeply grateful for your generosity. 

Thank you!
Thank you to all of you who supported and encouraged me in so many different ways on this ride.  To my wife, Char, who gave me her blessing to do this ride and who didn't (and still doesn't!) think I'm crazy, to my sag drivers (many of them from Peace Lutheran Church) who gave their time, $ and energy to help me, to my host homes who showed me such hospitality, to the MAW folks who encouraged and assisted me along the way, to the media folks who helped publicize the ride, to those from all over the state who gave so generously, to the friends and others who came out to see me off and welcome me back, and to so many other folks: thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I was the one pedaling for the entire month, but it took dozens of people helping me to make this ride a success!  And I am grateful to each and every one of you! 

This ride was a great way to serve others in the Name of Jesus Christ, and to show them the love that He so clearly shows to us, ultimately by giving up His life on the Cross to pay for our sins.  This ride was also an opportunity to be loved and supported by so many others with unselfish Christ-like love!  For me, this receiving from Christ, giving to others and receiving from others is "life at its very best"!!!  

Thank you again!
Mike Reiners
Grand Island, NE

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1, 2011

Today's report from my Ride for Make-A-Wish Foundation of Nebraska

Started at 7:30 am in Lincoln and finished at 6:00 pm in Grand Island!
Covered 99 miles, 12.8 mph ave speed, 30.5 - max speed
Riding time - 7 hrs, 43 minutes
Wind - out of the SSW, so hindered a bit all day long. 
"Hurt/Help" Wind scale - -1.0.

The "Hurt/Help" Wind Scale is my way of saying "this is how much the wind hurt/helped me over the course of the day". It can Hurt me up to a -5, or help me up to a +5.

About today:
Sydney, Megan and Kevin
     (I am writing on July 1) Yesterday was absolutely amazing!  I think I felt every emotion in the book at some point.  It started out with one of the neatest experiences of the entire trip, making a dream wish come true for my niece, Sydney.  On June 30, my sag drivers were Megan (my daughter), Kevin (my brother) and his daughter, Sydney (who is going to be an 8th grader this fall).  

radio station on 3800 Cornhusker Hwy
      I stayed overnight with Kevin and his wife, Irene, on Wednesday night.  So, that evening we were planning things out for the next day.  I mentioned that I had an interview at the KFRX (106.3) radio station at 7:00 am with some guy named Matt on his morning show.  Sydney's eyes opened wide and she said, "YOU are going to meet Matt Mc-KAY?"    I said, "I guess.  Have you heard of him?"  All she could do was nod her head up and down with this star-struck look on her face.  That's when I learned that Sydney just happened to be one of Matt's most devoted fans in the city of Lincoln.  I also learned that Matt just happened to be a rather good looking young man according to most of the young women in the city of Lincoln.  I said, "Well, do you want to come along to the interview?"  More speechless head nodding.  So, all three of my sag drivers came into the production room where Matt and his sidekick, Lindsey, do the morning show.  It was really cool to see them at work, and they were super friendly!  The interview went well and then we took some pictures afterward. 
Sydney, Matt, Lindsey, Mike, Missy and Peyton
The two gals on the right are Missy Davis-Schmidt and her daughter, Peyton.  Missy is the director of the Make-A-Wish office in Lincoln.  Missy was also part of the interview with Matt and Lindsey.  It was nice to meet them. 

As a side note, I figure that with this picture I earned at least 5000 "favorite uncle" points in less then 30 minutes with Sydney.  (-:)  I was delighted to be able to create this experience for Sydney.  Kevin and Megan thought it was pretty cool as well.

Well, I took off out of town from there while my drivers switched vehicles, snapped a pic of the Lancaster county courthouse, bought some groceries and then caught up with me just west of Seward.  While in Seward I had the chance to visit briefly with Joel Endorf, a friend from a prior congregation.  It was great to see you Joel!

When my drivers caught up with me west of Seward, I stopped for resupply.  While we were doing I got to meet another guy out for a bike ride. 
Mike and Steve
      His name was Steve DeBoer.  He lives in Denver and was on his way to Omaha to see his mom.  We thought it was pretty cool of him to stop and say hi.  He also said he wanted to make a donation to MAW.  Neat!  (-:)  
      And just for the record, if any of you think I spent a lot of money on my bike, well Steve spent even MORE on his!

Harry and Mike

It was a long, tough, hot ride to York!  My friend Harry Eckerson met me a few miles east of town and rode with me all the way to Aurora, where he lives.  That was SOOOO very helpful!  By the time we reached Hampton it was starting to get seriously hot.  It really takes it out of a person to ride in this kind of heat!     

starting to sizzle!!

what's left of a center pivot...

      There had been a tornado in the Hampton area about 10 days earlier.  There was not too much evidence left,    but this bit was pretty dramatic, a center pivot crumpled up just east of town.  Wow!! 

Harry, Wenda, Mike and Phoebe

Kevin, Harry and Mike
When we reached Aurora, we went to Espressions, a coffee/ice cream shop on the town square.    It was a MUCH needed and very refreshing break!!  Expressions is owned by Harry and Wenda Eckerson.  Phoebe, their daughter, works with them.  While there I was greeted by Tony and Linda Hoegh, Mike Peard, Doug and Loree Moss, Karen Wall, Don and Norma Troester and Tim Troester.  Wow!!  It was so nice to see all of you!  Thank you for taking the time to stop in.  I also met up with my friend Kevin McReynolds.  He is the pastor in Central City and at Aurora.  He and his wife, Amy, were my very first host family, waaaaaaaaaay back on June 1.  Kevin rode with me all the way to GI.  It was very nice to have someone to visit and ride with.  Partway there, we were also met by Brian Cook.  
Jewelie Cook, Doug Wilson, Brian Cook and Mike
I was SOOO thankful for all the folks who were waiting for me at the courthouse, sweating in the sun and the 105 degree heat!!!  Thank you my friends!  Many of you were there when I left 30 days ago and your presence meant more to me than I can ever explain.  I'm just going to put some random pictures in now.  I may put some names down, but those of you who are from here in GI will know many of the folks.  
Thank you again SO much to each and everyone of you!!!!!
The crowd at the courthouse

Sydney and Megan joining them

Mike trying frantically to think of something profound and moving to say!

Cory Schutte, who helped me BIG time on June 25!!

Kevin McReynolds

Lorry Dinkelman, Megan, Linda Reiser and Char, my wife.

Vanessa, Emily and Cory Schutte talking with Mike

Mike and Char, Diane Meier (one of the 4 Biker Babes), Brennen Probasco

My niece, Jenna.  It was HOT when I arrived at the courthouse (crowd in the background)!!!

Thank-yous for today:
Too many to name, but especially EVERYONE who came out to welcome me home regardless of the heat and nasty sun blasting on you all.  
    Thank you for your friendship!

Bible verses dealing with Jesus and “wishes”.  A WISH
Jesus’ wish for us to serve others as He has served us – John 13:1-7; Matthew 20:20-28

Quote of the Day: 
 "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring." - Desmond Tutu

“Get a bicycle.  You will not regret it, if you live.” - Mark Twain

Closing thoughts for the day
I'm going to do one more update, statistics and such, either tomorrow or the next day.  After that I'll just leave this blog out there in blog-land as part of history.  I hope that anyone who finds it will be uplifted and inspired in some way or another to consider the gifts and experience with which God has blessed them, and then ask themselves how they can use these to serve/benefit others.  That's where the "sweet spot" is in life as far as I'm concerned.  It looks like I'll end up raising close to $25,000 for MAW.  I am excited for the blessings that will bring into the lives of the children (and their families) whose wishes will be granted through generosity of so many caring people!   

In addition to being a possible source of inspiration, this blog is, in my opinion at least, a record of an incredible adventure, as well as a tribute to so many who helped me along the way.  It is an example of taking the steps to make a dream (thought up in March 2010) into a reality!  It was not easy, but it was certainly worth it!!  I cannot take all the credit though as I certainly did not do it alone.  I may've been the one pedaling the bike, but dozens and dozens of people gave me the help, encouragement and support I needed to complete this journey (host homes, sag drivers, MAW people and many, many others!).  Thank you again for everything!  

I'll return with stats in the next day or two... 

Forecast for the next day:
Who cares???  Woo Hoo!!! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 2011

Today's report from my Ride for Make-A-Wish Foundation of Nebraska

Started at 7:30 am in Nebraska City and finished at 5:30 pm in Lincoln.
Covered 99 miles, 14.6 mph ave speed, 33.9 - max speed
Riding time - 6 hrs, 44 minutes
Wind - out of the SE, so helped us the first half of the day and kind of hurt us the last half. 
"Hurt/Help" Wind scale - +1.0.

The "Hurt/Help" Wind Scale is my way of saying "this is how much the wind hurt/helped me over the course of the day". It can Hurt me up to a -5, or help me up to a +5.

About today:

Cool sign!!

Megan, Mike, Damon and Steve

Today was another super day, although it was very hot and tough towards the end.  It was a nice morning when we left Nebraska City.  We had a 10-15 mph SE wind which pushed us all the way up to Omaha!  Sweet!  I say WE because there were two guys who rode with me all day: Damon Wagner and Steve Barr.  These two guys are my heros!!!!  They let me sit in their slipstream ALL day, especially from Omaha to Lincoln when the SE wind hit us from the side.  I used to change diapers for my sag driver when she was a little bitty kid.  Megan Reiners (my daughter) drove her car for us all day.  It has a REALLY awesome, cool sign on top that she and her friend, Fed, made!  Thank you!!!! 

When we arrived in Plattsmouth we went downtown to take a picture of the REALLY cool courthouse.  Check it out on the county history page.  Just to the east of downtown is flooding that was mind-boggling to look at!  Normally in these pictures, one would not see any water.  The river was not visible from that spot under normal circumswtances!  Wow!!

more flooding

still more flooding

flooding just east of downtown Plattsmouth
Just north of Plattsmouth was about 5 miles of nasty construction, etc in part to flooding.  The water was right up to the road in the first picture.  The other picture is of several houses completely surrounded by water.  And they probably will be for several more weeks. 

flooding almost up to the road

water surrounding these houses

Rather than risk our lives riding these five brutal, nasty miles we got a ride from Greg, a friend of Damon's.  Keep in mind that the traffic on Hwy 75 is crazy busy.  About 90% of the people on that Hwy would normally be on I-29.  So, they are upset to be on Hwy 75 in the first place.  Riding those 5 miles on a narrow Hwy filled with angry, in-a-hurry people would'be been suicidal!  So, it was really nice to ride in the pickup!! 

Thanks Greg!!!

Going into and through Omaha was QUITE an experience!  It took over 2 hours but was a pretty cool experience.  We went into downtown and then out of town on S 24th St, a really cool Latino part of the city.  This was a VERY different experience than riding through Mullen or Benkelman or Harrison!  Here are pictures. 

South 24th St

South 24th St


finally, we can see downtown!!

Neat downtown boulevard
Going into and through Omaha was QUITE an experience!  It took over 2 hours but was a pretty cool experience.  We went into downtown and then out of town on S 24th St, a really cool Latino part of the city.  This was a VERY different experience than riding through Mullen or Benkelman or Harrison!  Here are pictures. 

cool looking pottery store on S 24th

doesn't look like much, but that's the blow out.

We had quite a time with flats today!  Steve had not had a flat tire in over 3000 miles.  He had two of them today.  The second one was a staple, like from a stapler you would use on paper!  It doesn't take much.  Damon had a flat and I had my back tire blow out.  Four flats in one day!  My blow out was not a surprise.  I noticed I could see the fiber threads in sevearl places where the rubber was worn away.  I was trying to decide whether to put on a new tire tonight or try to make it through the ride tomorrow.  Well, the decision was made for me in one sharp pop!  That means I wore out two back tires on this trip.  Usually I get 2500 miles out of a back tire.  For some reason it took two tires to get 2700 miles.  Hmmm...  Suckers are not cheap either! 

sign at my host home!
It was a long, HOT ride from Omaha to Gretna and then to Lincoln on Hwy 6.  Went by three signs as we came into Lincoln.  They said 90, 94 and 95 degrees.  Tomorrow's going to be even hotter!  Here's the sign waiting for me at my brother and sister-in-laws house.  (-:)

 After a quick shower, we went to a fun/fundraiser down at Mama's Dream Bakery and Deli on 19th and "Q".  Cool place!!  Here are some of the folks who were there.
Kiley and her daughter

Kiley Thiele, from MAW office in Omaha

Suzanne Cain, co-organizer of this event

Denise Schrader and Mama Pat DeBaere (co-owners with one other lady of Mama's Dream Bakery and Deli)

other folks who were there including Paul Seibert

Thank-yous for today:
Thank you also to my host home folks, Kevin and Irene Reiners, my brother and sister-in-law.  I really appreciate your hospitality!  Kevin, and his daughter Sydney (my niece), are also going to sag for me tomorrow with my daughter Megan. 

Irene and Kevin

A little goodie Irene bought for me. 
Of course I shared it with everyone!

Bible verses dealing with Jesus and “wishes”.  A WISH
     For us to share the Gospel news about Jesus with others – Matthew 28:16-20

Quote of the Day:
To be a cyclist is to be a student of cycling's core lies pain, hard and bitter as the pit inside a juicy peach. It doesn't matter if you're sprinting for an Olympic medal, a town sign, a trailhead, or the rest stop with the homemade brownies. If you never confront pain, you're missing the essence of the sport. Without pain, there's no adversity. Without adversity, no challenge. Without challenge, no improvement. No improvement, no sense of accomplishment and no deep-down joy. Might as well be playing Tiddly-Winks. - Scott Martin
Closing thoughts for the day
Well, it's hard to believe that tomorrow is my last day of riding.  It's been an unbelievable experience in so many ways, people, scenery, experiences, etc.  I'm very glad I did it.  I'm also glad I'm almost done doing it!  I just want to be home with Char again, working at Peace and going about normal, everyday life.  One more day though. 

I start out tomorrow with an interveiw on KFRX (106.3) with Matt McKay (Matt in the Morning) at 7:00 am.  There are some folks who are going to ride with me along the way.  Plus there are folks who will be waiting in Hampton and Aurora, etc.  Then they'll be a few folks at the courthouse when I reach GI at 6:00 pm.  Don't know what all is going to happen, but I look forward to celebrating the conclusion of this journey with my friends and family.  

I have been honored to ride for several MAW children and their families.  As I shared with the folks at the event tonight, I truly do strive to live by the motto, "Give more than I receive and never receive without giving thanks".  That's what Jesus did for us, gave His life for us on the Cross to pay for our sins.  That is unconditional love and in a very real way, this is what people have been giving to me this entire month (host families, sag drivers, event organizers, etc)!  And that's what I have had the honor of doing for others as well, showing them the love that Jesus shows to us.  It's that taking what we've been given and using it to bless others, and then having it come back and bless us that is one of the more rewarding experiences in life.  Well, I'm too tired to make a whole lot of sense, so I'll ponder this tomorrow and perhaps write some additional stuff in a day or two.  Thanks for listening.  Blessings to all of you!!  Mike

Forecast for the next day:
Mostly sunny, south wind up to 20+ mph, and temp up to 102 (feels like 106) degrees.  Yowza!!

Route/Towns for the next day:
June 30 - Lincoln to Seward to Tamora to Utica to Waco to York to Bradshaw to 
                             Hampton to Aurora to Grand Island (and HOME!)