Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19, 2011

Today's report from my Ride

Started at 5:45 am and finished at 2:45 pm.

Covered 74 miles, 15.0 mph ave speed, 39.0 - max speed 
Riding time - 4 hrs, 55 minutes
Wind - out of the NE, but very minor. On the "Hurt/Help" Wind scale - +0.5.

The "Hurt/Help" Wind Scale is my way of saying "this is how much the wind hurt/helped me over the course of the day". It can Hurt me up to a -5, or help me up to a +5.

About today: First of all, it's my son, Greg's, 25th birthday today.  Happy Birthday Greg!!!  Hope you had a great day.  I love you!!

Well folks, I starting to realize that it's one thing to sit at the kitchen table in the middle of winter and plan out how far each day is going to be, and it's another thing to get out in June and ride them!  The reality of time and weather are shredding some of my plans, and that bugs me.  I only got in 74 miles today instead of 135 (yeah, yeah, I know.  My eyes were bigger than my legs.)  But, it's the best I could do considering weather and the time I had.  When your host family is fixing a wonderful supper and your sag drivers (who have been away from home and deprived of their spouses for 3 entire days) need to head back to GI, you've got to call it a day a bit early.  Ah well.

It started out very interesting.  When I left Kimball, it looked REALLY icky, lightening, dark blue clouds, etc.  When Pastor Mars shook my hand, looked me in the eye and said, "The Lord go with you", I know he was dead serious!  (-:)

Between Kimball and Sidney I had to stop and take shelter twice from lightening.  Here are some pics.   It was threatening to rain from the moment I left.  
The "bad thing" that was stalking me!  I had lightening on both sides and behind me.  Certainly helps one ride a bit faster...

My first shelter, dry but still creepy with lightening and thunder popping all around.

I sat under there for probably 20 minutes and then  rode out into the rain (after lightening eased).

For a brief time, this was on the horizon.  Faster Mike, faster!!

Then it was replaced with this. 
It's hard to keep riding when you know it's going to be wet and nasty ahead!  

My second place of refuge when it was lightening/thundering again was under the front of a 5th wheel horse trailer. 

Looking out from my snug little spot under the trailer. 

Two horses who wished they had a dry place to stand!
Well, I finally made it to Sidney, where I met my sag drivers. 

Later on it turned out to be a very nice, even hot and humid day.  Here are some pictures from Hwy 26 on the south side of Lake McConaughy.  That is a really pretty stretch of highway!

the south side of Big Mac

a little further down the road
We stopped in Ash Hollow.

Where the wagons came down Windlass Hill.
The "dip" in the middle is where the wagons were lowered down Windlass Hill.

lunch break
 My report is a bit sparse tonight.  I'm really tired, even with my "power nap" that made me late for supper.  Thanks for understanding.

Thank-yous for today:
First of all to Sally Harris of Sidney for picking up my stuff in Kimball and taking it to Sidney for my support drivers.

Also to my four support drivers for their THIRD day of putting up with me!! 
I am very grateful that you were there for me today.

And finally to Terry and Gwen Johnson for allowing me to stay with them in Ogallala, for fixing a wonderful supper, AND for being so patient when they had to wake me up from my nap for supper!  I told them I'd be up at 6 pm, and it was 6:15 when Mr. Johnson finally roused me from the depths of sleep (My phone alarm had tried to do that for 20 minutes!).  It's not very often that I'm late for supper...(-:)  It was fun to visit with Terry's mother Ruth Johnson as well. 
Bible verses dealing with Jesus and “wishes”.  A WISH
     To give a friend hope and her brother life – John 11:1-44

Quote of the Day:
“When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race.”  - H.G. Wells

I came out for exercise, gentle exercise, and to notice the scenery and to botanise.  And no sooner do I get on that accursed machine than off I go hammer and tongs; I never look to right or left, never notice a flower, never see a view - get hot, juicy, red - like a grilled chop.  Get me on that machine and I have to go.  I go scorching along the road, and cursing aloud at myself for doing it. - H.G. Wells, The Wheels of Chance

Forecast for the next day:
I'm probably going to get wet, but I will have a tailwind out of the NNW between 25-30 mph.  Sweet!!!

Route/Towns for the next day:
Ogallala south to Benkelman via Grant and Imperial.